Kink & BDSM
Kink & BDSM has long been thought of as a topic cloaked in privacy, held in secret, and kept hidden away. As we continue to evolve on this big blue marble, those things that were once considered “strict social norms” are breaking away into a much broader understanding and acceptance of sex and sexuality. Discussions and interest in Kink & BDSM are becoming more mainstream, opening the conversation to what once was considered taboo.

Forbidden offers adults exclusive access to The POINT Resort which is proud to continue to host this event. This unique event offers a rare opportunity to enjoy the grounds of this members’ only, clothing optional resort, while spending 5 days intrenched in the Kink & BDSM lifestyle. We here at The POINT Resort work every day to support the uniqueness and diversity of our customers. We strive to make you feel welcome and accepted here and look forward to welcoming you to this unique event in the great Canadian outdoors.